Breathing Techniques for Runners

In my early days as a runner, I, like most, didn’t give any thought to my breathing. But after dealing with several injuries, I went digging into physiology research to find a solution to my predicament. Eventually, I came across an article called “Breath Play,” by Ian Jackson, a coach and distance runner, which related […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Squats

Squats are an amazing compound exercise that all runners should incorporate into their strength training routine. If you want to be sure that you are doing them correctly, read on. DON’T let your knees collapse inward. This will reduce pressure on the knees. DO keep your knees shoulder-width apart. This helps to keep your […]
Maximise Your Sleep Quality

A third of our lives are spent sleeping and we all know that it is essential for mental and physical wellbeing. This is even truer for runners! But many of us still fail to get the number of hours that we need to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to run the day our way! […]
The Importance of Strength Training

The Importance of Strength Training All runners should fit strength into their weekly training plan. While running should be the most integral part of your exercise regime, there is a place for strength too. Stronger leg muscles will allow you to propel yourself farther with every step. Stronger core muscles will improve your stability to […]
Dos and Don’ts of Buying New Running Shoes

Beginners to running can be flummoxed by the large variety of running shoes on display in the local sports shop! Here are some basic tips to help you decide if that running shoe is right for you. DO try on a pair of new running shoes after exercise or in the evening. Your feet […]
Starting Your Running Journey

Running is a great habit to get into, both mentally and physically, and does not need to be a difficult thing to start if you aren’t a runner already. Here’s some handy tips from us to help you get going the right way so you never want to stop. 1. Buy new shoes It is […]
Lifestyle Tips to Lose Weight

In this article, we will cover lifestyle tips that you should consider adopting to help you with your goal. Losing weight can be hard, but with these simple tips we hope that your journey will be a little easier. 1. Eat a healthy breakfast. By eating your first meal early in the day, you […]
Running During Ramadan

For followers of Islam, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar poses a particular challenge for runners of the faith. It is a time where followers are expected to abstain from food, water and intimate relations during daytime hours in commemoration of Prophet Muhammed’s first revelation. However running is still very much possible if you […]
How To Run Correctly

With the closure of gyms and sports over the MCO period, many of us have taken up running as an alternate way to stay fit (and sane!) over the last several months. However many people run without thinking too much about technique, but did you know that there are several key features about running properly? […]
Things That May Happen To Your Body When You Start Running!

Running gets a bad rap when it comes to your body – from your knees to your toenails, as a complete beginner, the horror stories come thick and fast. Yet what actually happens to your body when you start running? You’ll feel happier It’s a well-documented fact that runners are happier people. In a recent […]