Should you drink coffee before you run?

Yes, there are some health benefits to your morning cup of coffee. 1. It can make you run faster Two to three cups of a robust brew can reduce levels of perceived exertion in athletes and increase endurance performance by an average of 24 per cent, giving you an extra push when you need it, […]

5 Micronutrient Deficiencies to Look for in Athletes

Even if your athletes seem to be eating well, they may still not be getting everything they need. Here are five common micronutrient deficiencies that can affect athletes, and how to spot them. Nutrition coaching for endurance athletes often centers on obsessing about the intake of the macros – protein, carbs and fat. Perhaps it […]

9 Dehydration Symptoms That Aren’t Thirst

In a perfect world, we’d all remember to drink the right amount of water every single day, but let’s face it: most people don’t include “drink water” on their to-do lists. When you fail to drink enough to replenish the fluids lost through urination, sweating, and even breathing, you begin to enter a state of […]

Almost Half Of Recreational Runners Get Injured, According To Research

It should go without saying that running is a high-impact sport. So if it seems like you and your running buddies are constantly taking turns battling injuries—big and small—you’re not alone: Nearly half of all non-professional runners sustain injuries, according to research by Jonatan Jungmalm, Ph.D., in the Department of Food, Nutrition, and Sport Science […]

Should You Run Fasted?

‘Fasted training’ is a term that has been in most runners’ vocabularies for several years now. But how many of us fully understand the term and its specific purpose? For some runners, fasted training is a matter of convenience. They want to train first thing, and it’s too early to eat anything before going for […]

These Ukrainian runners are still training in a war zone

They committed to staying active despite the Russian invasion. And feel stronger for it. After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, life inside the eastern-European country transformed into a frantic combination of fleeing citizens and soldiers taking up arms. For days, Ukrainians holed up in shelters and underground metro stations as air-raid signals blared through […]

Here’s how much longer to sleep if you want to get faster

I’ve always been able to sleep like a log for a good seven hours a night. Back when I was training for Ironman triathlons, I sacked out like a deposit from the petrified forest for a solid nine, sometimes 10 hours a day. Now that I’m older I make a habit of aiming for at […]

How to Train for a Marathon

For many runners, the desire to do a marathon is about personal challenge. You might want to test your limits or prove that you can go the distance. Perhaps a friend has talked you into it. Maybe you’d like to lose weight, get healthier or raise awareness for a charity. Whatever your reason, hold on […]

Researchers Reveal The Best Things To Shout To Encourage Runners

What do you shout to encourage runners when you’re a spectator at a race? ‘Keep going!’? ‘You can do it!’? ‘Nearly there!’? If you’re never quite sure what will actually help, new research has determined the best – and worst – things to shout. Researchers at Plymouth Marjan University revealed that the right positive encouragement […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Trail Running

Trail running is freedom — freedom from the distractions of city roads and freedom to explore the beauty of nature and a different style of movement. Trails offer the promise of adventure with their variety and challenge. There is nothing like tucking into the woods and getting lost in the thicket. As John Muir said, […]